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Data Logger: A Complete Guide to understand the Concept, Benefits and Applications



Imagine being told to sit in a room with a notepad and pen to jot down something like temperature every 30 minutes. This sounds boring and never ending and not to forget so vulnerable to errors. Scenarios like these require a device to record and store whatever data with parameters set. Data logger is the device which is mostly used to systematically track and record events or measurements to store data with respect to time to observe afterwards through a server or a medium. Let’s dive into the working and the uses of a data logger.

What is a Data Logger?

In technical terms like discussed above, a data logger is a device used to automatically document preset parameters to record and store so as to observe over time. Data loggers are used when there is a need to have a continuous evaluation over a period of time with data being retrieved by an in-built internal or external interface.

A data logger consists of a simple box with batteries for power supply, digital processors and sensors with a programming module for processing data received and an internal memory chip to store the processed data. Sensors or input scanners in general can range depending upon the parameters required.

The basic working of a data logger has an input scanner which gets the input signals like high pressure level transducer signal or low level thermocouple signal depending on the requirements. These signals are then amplified and conditioned to analog to digital converter. The work of the analog to digital converter is to convert the input signals to a medium suitable for recorders.

These converted signals are then administered by the data logger where noise and ripple voltage suppressions are eliminated.

The programmer is responsible for organizing the sequence operation of various items in the logger. It commands to select a new channel to the scanner while receiving input signals. The real time clock governs the programmer with preset timed measurement at regular intervals.

What are the benefits of a data logger?

Apart from being effective to work and a time saver, a data logger has many more advantages than just being inexpensive. Some are discussed below

  • Accuracy
    When it comes to keeping a record, the accuracy of a data logger is unmatchable without any errors. This makes working a smooth ride and a high data density i.e., large amounts of data can be stored in a given area of a storage medium since it cancels out the need for a manual intervention.
  • Compatibility
    These data loggers are compatible with most of the types of transducers for recording input signals, and with output as well. Some data loggers can be designed to work with a computer through software while some can be used as a standalone device by connecting directly.
  • No prior programming knowledge required
    With easy configuration to work with, data loggers mostly do the heavy lifting for the user like detecting outputs beyond the specified limit, kind of like going the extra mile or taking the right corrective measures in case of reaching the edge. With some data loggers operating on a cloud based web services and SQL database, the retrieved data can be easily converted to graphical, tabular or any representation without much of a trouble.
  • Customizable features
    Data loggers can be customized as per the user’s requirements like one would need a waterproof data logger in case of working in an environment prone to moisture or a heat resistant feature in case of hot, or having buzzers or alarms for notifying the user to take the right measure when reaching the final set value etc.

Applications of a Data logger

Now that we know how a data Logger works and learn the benefits it carried, let us look into the applications and uses of a data logger. In general, data loggers are used in many areas but we will be looking onto the prominent ones below.

  • Data logger in WarehousesWarehouses are most known places using data loggers. The use ranges from monitoring humidity, temperature or freezing temperatures depending upon the industry like food and beverage houses need to record the cooking pasteurization. Or in case of auto industries, data loggers are used for vehicle testing and tracking physical parameters. Monitoring building facilities and their management of air vents, air conditioning and other ventilations are some of the other uses of data loggers in warehouses.In case of the pharma industry, Cold Chain Solutions are of utmost importance because the vaccines and medicines are highly temperature sensitive. Accurate temperature monitoring is a must to maintain the shelf life and efficiency of pharma products. These include a process that extends from their manufacturing to storage and continues even in transit. Multichannel data loggers ensure proactive monitoring of temperature & humidity of vital medicines and vaccines stored in the single or multi-location network of Pharma Warehouses.
  • Data logger in Pharmacy
    Research labs need to make sure a certain level temperature is always maintained given they deal with samples all the time, data logger makes sure of the levels by having accurate readings at regular time intervals. Keeping a track of temperature and humidity for pharmaceutical products or blood at blood banks is also done by a data logger. Apart from recording temperatures, a data logger is also used to measure rhythms of a body part like circadian rhythms (sleep cycles of a human body) related to malignant hyperpyrexia (a complication related to muscle rigidity). Measuring the pH levels of various organs like esophagus for operating is also where a data logger comes useful. The most common data loggers are the ones we observe monitoring in an Intensive care unit.
  • Data logger in a Clean RoomA clean room is a common heard term in various industries like pharmaceuticals, healthcare, aerospace or microelectronics to name a few. A clean room is an application used to create certain environmental conditions for studying and maintaining the product quality. Some scenarios cannot afford contaminants that can be caused by a human interaction, which is where a data logger is a better option.Different types of data loggers are available that are specifically designed keeping in mind the stringent requirements of the pharma clean room.Enviro offers skillfully designed clean room wireless monitoring systems to accurately monitor temperature and humidity. Additionally, they are battery operated and flexible enough to be easily shifted to the ever-changing hot spots. Wireless Clean Room Solution gives this flexibility of shifting location which fixed-wired unit or solution fails to provide.


Looking onto the amazing features a data logger offers, a user can always trust a data logger because it saves expenses and eliminates the need of manual intervention. This cancels so many cases of errors, hence time also is saved. A data logger is a device that can offer you so much that too without burning hole in the pocket since the machinery barely costs much unless some features are needed. With so much reliability a data logger offers, one can never regret investing in them for keeping records and with interfaces so easy to work with.

Picture of Mrs. Manali Shah
Mrs. Manali Shah


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